Welcome to the website of the UK's premier single handed racing dinghy. Fast, dynamic, energetic and brilliant - Phantom. Get one or it will haunt you forever!

The Allen Brothers Phantom Nationals from the 6th to the 8th September with 52 entries to date and a few names missing who are supposed to be coming who is in the running for the top spots.

Harry Briddon last years winner and very fast especially in the breezey stuff and with the Solent chop he is a strong bet. 

Andy Couch runner up last year and multi times champion in the past. You would be foolish not to believe he will do it again.

Will Gulliver another past champion who also likes a bit of breeze. He will have been having missing training with Titch for a few weeks will that make him slower or quicker?

Ian Stone was the bearded wonder but showed up at POSH earlier in the year clean shaven and 5 stone lighter, this might stop him pulling his boat apart.  After being in the running last year has the bit between his teeth for this year.

Nick Orman (not entered yet but supposed to becoming) always in the running just needs more consistency to put it together.

Martin Watts has had more time this year and with a newer ship should be quick.

Alistair Morley another not yet entered but he is late for everything except around the course in anything below force 5. If it’s a light wind event a real flyer. Winner of POSH fast handicap and he was last to arrive.

Titch Wayling recently been resting due to back problems but is going to see how it goes. Good luck mate.

Ivan Walsh texted your correspondent to say if its light in his new ship Bruce he is flying so I have taken him at his word and included him in the list.

Welcome to Visitors to the fleet

Steve Bolland RS300 God and Dzero previous winner took him a few days last year to work out how to

Make it go. If his memory hasn’t faltered (it probably will have alcohol has that effect) should be quick.

Fernando Gamboa a local Aero 9 sailor from Portugal knows the local tide and chop.

Richard Le Mare another top 300 sailor sailing the Ollie Hopkins fast ship.  Is he here to check up on what Steve’s up to prior to the 300 nationals?

Written by Gordon Kingston-Minnis

Phantom Nationals 6-8 September Lee on Solent Sailing Club

Dates 6-8 September
Lee on Solent Sailing Club

The Signal Station
Marine Parade East
PO13 9BJ

Entry £150 - 30% discount so £105 up to 11 August

Enter Here - http://www.phantomclass.org.uk/events/phantom-national-2019-online-entry

Entry includes Friday Saturday meal, Saturday Sunday bacon roll and every competitor gets a momento

Allen is title sponsor

Notice of Race can be viewed here


Unofficial Solent Champs!

Weston Open for Single Handers WOSH 17th &18th August. Us southerners have nothing in the calendar in August. We could declare this the unofficial Solent Champs.

Optimum Time Watches Southern Travellers Round 3

Castle Cove Sailing Club 13th - 14th July
The Phantom fleet will contest round 3 of the southern travellers series as part of the Weymouth Dinghy Regatta and base ourselves at the ever popular Castle Cove Sailing Club for the weekend.
Registration will be from 08:30 with a competitors briefing at 10:30 on Saturday 13
th July.
The scheduled time of the first warning signal is 12:55 on Saturday 13
th and 10:25 on Sunday 14
th July.
There are 3 races scheduled each day.
No World cup this year to keep people in the club watching football so expect the fabulous balcony overlooking the bay to be busy in the evening.
There will be an evening meal and a well stocked bar !!
Get your B&B booked now

Eastern Series Creeksea Open 15-16 June 2019

The weekend started early for those that arrived on Friday evening with a BBQ and the chance to sample the free beer that was very generously on offer from the members of Creeksea Sailing Club.  This also played into the hands of those that arrived on Saturday, or those that took it easy in readiness for Burnham-on-Crouch Parkrun Saturday morning!

Saturday dawned with a light breeze and a few heavy heads, having polished a box of the lovely Wibblers Dengie Gold.  With a South West wind forecasted for the Saturday, not the best direct for Creeksea, and increasing strength over Saturday and Sunday, the standard course of Cliff Canewdon was set by PRO Edwin Buckley with a quick dash down river towards Burnham to get an upwind start.

With a flood tide for the first start, there was a battle to be windward boat but also staying out of the main channel of the river, as the fleet set of for Navigation Buoy No.11.  The gusty condition caught some napping with a few capsizes on the way and a few notable fallers at No.11 for the bear away up river.  A fleet of Royal Burnham One Designs, also on the famous Cliff Canewdon course, didn’t help on the long reach down to Cliff, with some constant place changing as the fleet moved passed the RB’s.  Current Eastern Series Champion made the best of the conditions with a first, with local sailor Bill Taylor and Roger Smith taking second and third.

Race 2 followed the same course as race one, but tactics had changed following a turn of the tide.  This race included an extra loop around the top of the course taking in Tony Glaze and Bridgemarsh Buoys, which also meant a gybe mark and some more place changing as people inspected the underside of their phantoms!  The wind continued to increase during the race and left a difficult and long fetch to the finish line with continuous gusts and shifts of the south back of the Crouch.  Bill Taylor was loving the conditions and left the rest of the fleet in his wake for an infatic win and his first Phantom open race win, Titch Wayling returned to form with a second place followed by Clive Morley in third, thanks to capsizes from Bob Portway and Terry Crook as they approached the finish

The standard, excellent Creeksea lunch was served and then a depleted fleet return to the water for the third race of the day.  The same course was followed as race 2, I am sure that lots happened during the race, but I was quite tired by this point and don’t really remember.  Bill took another win followed by Terry and then Roger.

The rest of the day was then spent talking about fetching, capsizing and how much we all like Wibblers Dengie Gold, followed by a stroll into Burnham and an Indian at The Polash, who also happen to sponsor Creeksea Sailing Club!

Sunday dawned and the forecasted wind was already starting to build.  An even smaller fleet took to the water for three back to back races over a new course, with the windward buoy now Tony Glaze, but then a downwind leg and gybe at Cliff, returning to Tony Glaze and a final dash back to the club line.  When the small and selective fleet got to Cliff for the first time of the day, the upwind leg to Tony Glaze was looking very daunting with standing waves and large gusts that challenged the complete fleet.  Everyone really enjoyed the gybe at Cliff with the increased wind from Saturday, with a few sailors checking their centre boards for weed.  Titch found his normal form and won race 4 of the weekend and was followed home by Terry and Warren Martin, who were sailing well in the conditions, however overnight leader Bill was not having such a good day, with problems rounding Cliff.  

Race 5 took a similar pattern with Titch out the front, with just Terry to keep him company and taking second place.  Following a bad start, Clive made his way from the back to take a well-deserved third place.  Local hero Bill, was not enjoying the conditions as much as yesterday and retired following another problem at Cliff.

The sixth and final race of the weekend, got underway with rain clouds gathering over the windward mark!  Titch nailed the start and resumed his normal position at the front of the pack, he was closely followed by local sailors Warren and Roger.  With the rain, came the gusts and the inevitable capsizes on the upwind leg and the gybe mark.  Titch secured his clean sweep for the day and thus taking the event from a disappointed Bill.

Lunch was served in the marquee, with much talk about Cliff Buoy and capsizing.  Creeksea member Graham Dale-Jones was tasked with prize giving duties, Bill Taylor was congratulated with a well-earned second place and a large cheer from the crowd.  Titch was awarded the overall win and presented with an ironic bottle of ‘Taylors’ Port!  During titches winner speech, Titch thanked Creeksea Sailing club for another excellent event, Edwin the PRO and safety boat crews.  Titch also mentioned the un-touchable Bill for his 2 race wins on Saturday.

The Eastern Series circus now moves onto Royal Harwich for another 2 day event over the weekend 20-21 July.

Creeksea Phantom Open Meeting 2019

Creeksea Sailing Club


Results are provisional as of 10:57 on June 21, 2019


Sailed: 6, Discards: 2, To count: 4, Entries: 13, Scoring system: Appendix A
Boat Name SailNo HelmName Fleet Club Race 1 Race 2 Race 3 Race 4 Race 5 Race 6 Nett
Maud 1346 Titch Wayling   Northamton SC (5.0) 2.0 (6.0) 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0
  1244 Bill Taylor   CSC 2.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 (14.0 RET) (5.0) 8.0
Ghostbuster 1464 Terry Crook   CSC (4.0) 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 (14.0 DNC) 10.0
  1320 Roger Smith   CSC 3.0 (7.0) 3.0 5.0 (7.0) 3.0 14.0
Ghost Ship 1420 Clive Morley   Minnis Bay (11.0) 3.0 5.0 (7.0) 3.0 4.0 15.0
Pink Panther 1433 Warren Martin   CSC (7.0) (10.0) 7.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 16.0
Mandy 1334 Bob Portway   RHYC 1.0 5.0 4.0 (14.0 DNC) (14.0 DNC) 14.0 DNC 24.0
Hoof 1369 Jon Steward   Fishers Green (8.0) 6.0 (8.0) 6.0 5.0 7.0 24.0
  1291 Nick Yannakoyorgo   Fishers Green (12.0) 8.0 (9.0) 8.0 6.0 6.0 28.0
The Isnd 1461 Graham Dale Jones   CSC 6.0 9.0 (14.0 DNS) (14.0 RET) 14.0 DNC 14.0 DNC 43.0
Pink Djinn 1233 Pete Sarbutt   CSC 10.0 11.0 (14.0 RET) (14.0 RET) 14.0 DNC 14.0 DNC 49.0
Hanger on 1215 Hamish Bettany   CSC 9.0 (14.0 RET) (14.0 DNS) 14.0 DNC 14.0 DNC 14.0 DNC 51.0
  1157 Darren Sewell   CSC 13.0 12.0 (14.0 DNS) (14.0 DNC) 14.0 DNC 14.0 DNC 53.0

Sailwave Scoring Software 2.28.1

Phantom P+B Inland Championships

1st/2nd June - Northampton Sailing Club

The weekend started earlier for some of the further traveling Phantoms and the customary Friday night get together. With free camping they made themselves at home in tents and motorhomes overlooking the 420 hectare lake, set in the beautiful Northamptonshire countryside.

The event format and NOR planned for 4 races on Saturday and 2 races on Sunday.

Saturday dawned to sun and a light  southerly breeze of 7- 10 kts which fluctuated constantly throughout the day with some interesting stronger patches producing some significant shifts. It was going to be a game of snakes and ladders with big decisions on both the upwind and downwind legs to take full advantage of the shifting winds and bands of breeze. Nerves of steel were going to be required.

The PRO – Miles Odell and the race team set a great course despite tricky conditions, consisting of a windward leeward and inverted P making full use of the lake.

The fleet of 22 boats were keen from the start with general recalls in each of the days races. The strength in depth of the fleet ensured close racing with no great distance between the front and back of the fleet. One mistake and places were lost, it was going to be a tough days racing where consistency would pay.

Races 1 showed signs of things to come with defending Inland Champion – Andy Couch posting his first bullet closely followed by Will Gulliver, Nick Orman, Alister Morley and Ian Stone finishing in the top five.

Race 2 provided equally challenging conditions with at least four leaders during the game of significant snakes and few ladders. Andy posted another bullet with Nick and Alister beginning to show their consistency and Martin Watt and  Mike Webster punching into the top five …….. it was going to tough at the top !

After a lunch break Race 3 saw another closely contested affair with yet another bullet to Andy who seemed to pull off what was needed to cross the line in pole position, was anybody going to stop a clean sweep? Will, Nick and Alister winning the gambling shifts to finish in that order.

PRO – Miles Odell decided to ‘can’ the scheduled race 4 until Sunday when the wind forecast showed much better conditions. A great call which was much appreciated by the fleet allowing an early dinner and extended time for liquid refreshment !
As expected the tales of ‘if only’ and ‘missed shifts’ interspursed with Champions league football were plentiful …… as was the Doombar !

Sunday morning was an early start due the extra race scheduled with breakfast at 8.00am and preparatory signal at 8.55am. Not the best start for the day with some side effects from the night before, but the fresh breeze soon cleared the heads. The wind was now a south westerly direction blowing 12 -15 knts straight down the lake and building, it was champagne sailing conditions with blue skies and 24C.

Race 4 saw another general recall but the second start got away cleanly. With now less shifty conditions boat speed came more into play, still extremely close racing with Andy doing what he does best,  yes you’ve guessed it ….. another bullet. The chasing ‘brat pack’ of Nick, Will, Alister and Ian producing more consistent top five results.

The PRO decided enough was enough and hoisted the black flag for Race 5 to discourage any overly keen sailors, but John ‘Titch’ Wayling, Ian  and Andy were all caught out with an OCS …….. ouch ! This allowed Will to post his eagerly awaited bullet with Martin Watts clearly loving the breeze finishing second, Nick third and Mike Webster punching into the top four for the first time.

The final Race 6 provided more of the same, excellent racing conditions, great courses, close competitive racing with a compact fleet. Yet another bullet for Andy showing the fleet how to race a Phantom at its best with Ian, Alister, Will and Mike all pushing for top five places finishing in that order.

Those who travelled were rewarded with a great weekend of competitive sailing, amazing weather, food and drink and a friendly social, what more could anyone ask for?

Congratulations to Andy Couch for such an emphatic event winning performance, retaining the Phantom Inland Championship title.    

Thanks were given to Northampton Sailing Club for hosting the event and to P+B for kindly sponsoring the event and for providing great prizes.

Phantom P+B Inland Championships – Preview

Just a few days to go before the 2019 Phantom Inland Championships on the 1st /2nd June hosted at Northampton Sailing Club and kindly sponsored by P+B.

The forecast for the weekend is looking great with the rare combination sun and wind !

If turnouts at events early in the season are anything to go by we are hoping for a bumper entry this year, particularly with the event being centrally located for all regions.

It’s too early to call who the front runners may be, but promising performances have been noted at other events so far this season and with support likely to be from all across the country the challenge to be crowned Inland Champion could be from a number of individuals.

From the South Alister Morely, Mike Tustin and Nick Orman all have form and have consistently been seen at the top of the fleet.

The Eastern gang will no doubt provide a large contingent from the ‘Creeksea Massive’ with Bob Portway, Matt House, Chris Roberts and Phil Longley all with potential to pull off a winning performance and not forgetting ‘new boy’ Terry Crook.

The Midlands fleet boast three recent national champions, Harry Bridden, Will Gulliver and Andy Couch - last years winner. In addition John ‘Titch’ Wayling is currently showing pace and on home waters he could pull off the big one.  

Not forgetting the Northern contingent headed up by Adam Perry, Richard Knott and Ed Thomas who can all perform well.

The Inland Championships forms the first event of the P+B Phantom Midland Series consisting of five events including Carsington S.C.(13th July), Shustoke S.C. (22nd September) Blithfield S.C. (6th October)culminating at Graham Water S.C – Winter Championships  (26/27th October)   -   3 out of 5 events to count.

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